Monthly archive for March2014 - page 3

How Can An airliner Just Disappear? Final Installment (for now)

How Can An airliner Just Disappear?  Final Installment (for now)

Since all the new reporting on Malaysian Airways Flight 370 seems to be speculation, I am not going to post about it again until some new concrete information comes out.  All that is known for sure is that that plane is missing and presumed crashed.  The who, what , when, where and why are all unknown.

angel plane

As I stated in my first post, the simplest explanation is usually correct, and that is that the plane has crashed.  Though I believe there is a strong possiblity that this was an attempt to “steal” the airliner, IMHO the likelyhood of a successful undetected landing is very slight.  What is also unknown is if the mystery will ever be solved.  And so, continuing prayers for the passengers, crew and their families.

Ein Kleine Nachtfunny

Ein Kleine Nachtfunny

A little night-funny…..well sorta funny anyway.  Something to take our minds off air piracy and the invasion of Crimea.  Here is a 7 minute video of close calls – some of the luckiest idiots you will ever see.  Also, Russian dashcam video is epic.


How Can An Airliner Just disappear? Part IV

How Can An Airliner Just disappear? Part IV

This is now officially a criminal investigation, as reported in The Washington Post.  The Airliner’s ACARS system initiated periodic “handshakes”with comm satellites approximately every 30 minutes for an additional seven hours after civilian radar contact was lost.  The plane’s location could not be ascertained from the signals and it is not known whether the plane was in flight for the duration of that time or if it had landed, nor is it clear whether it crashed or was landed and shut down when the system stopped communicating.

The exact amount of fuel on board is not known, but it would  have been sufficient for the scheduled six hour flight to Beijing and common practice is to carry a minimum 1 hour reserve.  Authorities have several working theories, mainly falling along three lines.  First is that the plane was hijacked either by the crew or terrorist passengers and then crashed intentionally into the Indian Ocean as an act of either terrorism or suicide.  Another theory is that the plane was hijacked by either crew or passengers with the intent to divert and land at an unknown location, but then ran out of fuel and crashed.  The final theory is the same as the second theory except that in this scenario the plane was successfully landed at an unknown location.  This third theory is deemed the unlikeliest, since authorities believe that for this to happen, the plane would have been detected entering either Indian or Pakistani airspace and as of yet there is no indication that this occurred.

Additional information:

ABC News (autoplay video)


UK Daily Mail


How Can An Airliner Just Disappear? Part III

How Can An Airliner Just Disappear? Part III

All bets are off now.

Reuters reports: Radar Data Suggests Missing Malaysia Plane Deliberately Flown Way Off Course: Sources

Associated Press:  1 US Theory Is Someone Diverted Missing Plane

New York Times: Satellite Firm Says Its Data From Jet Could Offer Location

How Can An Airliner Just Disappear?  The same way your Porsche disappears from your driveway.

Someone steals it.


Voter I.D. laws discriminatory against…the dead

Voter I.D. laws discriminatory against…the dead

Yeah, I thought so.

Mummified Michigan Woman Seemingly Voted In the Afterlife, Records Show.

Nothing to see here…move along.

How can an airliner just disappear? continued

How can an airliner just disappear? continued

In the continuing saga of Malaysian Airlines flight 307 there was a bit of a bombshell dropped today when the Wall Street Journal reported that the Boeing 777‘s on board telemetry system continued to operate in a sort of “standby” mode for approximately 4 hours after the last confirmed radar contact with the jet.  The initial report was that monitoring systems embedded in the plane’s Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines were emitting data, but the article was corrected to say that the plane’s satellite communications link was the origin of the signals.

Rolls-Royce Trent 800 High Bypass Turbofan engine on a Boeing 777

Rolls-Royce Trent 800 High Bypass Turbofan engine on a Boeing 777


Modern aircraft are equipped with a digital datalink system called the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) whereby the aircraft sends packets of information about flight systems autonomously to ground crews.  The Wall Street Journal’s anonymous sources say that according to investigators the plane’s ACARS system, though not sending data, did send signals attempting to establish a link to communication satellites and this leads investigators to believe the plane was intact and still flying.  Official sources, however, denied the report.


Why I say THANKS!

Why I say THANKS!

Everyone is familiar with the word thanks as a courtesy that is proffered when a kindness or benefit transpires between one person and another, such as sending a thank you card for a gift or thanking a customer for their patronage.  And the convention is that you are appreciative of something nice done or given to you.  What I am talking about here is THANKS!  Which for me is existing (or attempting to exist) in a state of perpetual gratitude for everything God has made possible for me.  If you are an atheist or agnostic feel free to substitute “reality” or “the universe” or whatever you like for “God”.  He’ll forgive you 😉

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things in our lives – we all say that we have so much to be thankful for.  But were it not for the bad, the good would be meaningless.  Without winter would the spring feel as warm? If there were never sorrow could we be happy?  If there were no bad people in the world would we be able to appreciate the good?

For every kindness life has offered you then there is somewhere a slight to be thankful for.  

And for me that is the profound beauty of what I believe is God’s Creation – that it encompasses all.  And that is why I say THANKS! writ large – to encompass it all.


Thoughts on springtime, rebirth and the return of Baseball season

Thoughts on springtime, rebirth and the return of Baseball season

Well…mostly the return of baseball season.  People who know me know that I am not a big sports guy.  I express enough interest to keep my guy card current, but I am no fanatic by any means.  I am however, a big baseball guy.  And the reason I am a big baseball guy: to me baseball is more than a sport.

Defined strictly in terms of entertainment (wasn’t there a movie by that title?  No wait.  That was Terms of Endearment), for me it is the ultimate reality television.  Certainly there is a plot.  There is drama, conflict and resolution.

It is by turns a marathon, a soap opera or a science experiment.  It’s comedy, drama and tragedy.  It’s  biography, it’s fiction and truth that is stranger than fiction.  It is all of these every day from the end of March until October – dozens of episodes occurring all across America, the outcome of each individual contest having some effect on the others being played and on still others yet unplayed.  Dozens of possible outcomes that are decided on the random path of a hit or thrown ball.  Unscripted, and without a clock.  As Yogi Berra famously said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over”.  Managers and players can plan and strategize but once the ball is in play anything can happen.

Like I said, anything can happen

Like I said, anything can happen


Some negatives.  There is the spitting….no one likes that.  But you can’t chew tobacco and not spit.  I suppose in another generation or so that will be a thing of the past.  And the crotch adjusting.  You must wear a cup to play baseball (if you don’t the ball WILL find “you”.  It’s like it knows) and it’s going to need adjustment from time to time.  The tight pants can be a plus – my wife likes looking at those.

A common lament I hear from non-fans is that baseball is so boring.  I am here to tell you that if you’re bored, it’s because you’re not paying attention.  There is always something happening, and that applies to more than just baseball.  Like so many things, you’ve got to pay attention.  You see where I’m going, don’t you?  A baseball game is an experiment in life.  It begins, it endures and it ends.  And then another begins and ends and so on and so on……and the events along the timeline from beginning to end are often strange and unpredictable.

There’s more here than meets the eye, one must only look.


How Can An Airliner Just Disappear?

How Can An Airliner Just Disappear?

Post title cribbed from this Popular Mechanics article:  “‘How Can An Airliner Just Disappear?”  Of course the answer to that question is “it can’t”.  But even something that large can be very hard to find.




In this case, as in almost all cases, the simplest explanation is the correct explanation.  So, in this case that explanation is that the plane crashed into the ocean.  But there are a couple questions that make me wonder:

Why no debris?  Even if the plane broke up at high altitude there should be some flotsam and jetsam (no pun intended).  Though the search area is large, there should be a debris field of some kind.  To my knowledge there has not been a shred yet recovered.

And second, why hasn’t the ping from the black boxes been heard?  Even when Air France 447 went down in mid-atlantic a few years ago the boxes’ ping could be detected though the wreckage was under 13,000 feet of water.  In the current case the water’s depth is in  the range of hundreds of feet, not thousands.

Currently, modern aircraft (the Boeing 777 is among the most modern) do communicate autonomously with ground crews, but the system used has insufficient bandwidth for large amounts of data such as that collected by the black boxes.  That may change in the future, as a new satellite communication network is under development, written about by me here.

I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination.  And as I said earlier, the simplest explanation is probably correct.  All we can do now is pray for the passengers, crew and their families.


In California, Utopia is just a bottle ban away

In California, Utopia is just a  bottle ban away

Let us stipulate that California is a lovely place to live.  And further let us agree that people are free to believe whatever they like.  But it gets harder and harder to stay here due to the fact that some of the people in power here believe some of the stupidest things.  Among the majorities in the city councils of our most populous cities, and in the Democratic majorities in both houses of our state legislature there are, in my opinion some seriously fuzzy headed thinkers.  Which in and of itself should not pose a problem, since as I stated earlier I believe they are free to believe what they wish.  The problem comes when they deign to impose their fallacies on everyone in the name of their utopian thinking.

There is a plan afoot to ban plastic shopping bags – First they came for the paper shopping bags and I said nothing, because I preferred plastic.  Now there is a bill in the state assembly that will impose a statewide ban on disposable plastic shopping bags.  Because they take up to much room in the landfill or something.  THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO DO THIS (caps intended).  If you believe there is, you are wrong.  Never mind that environmentally friendly reusable shopping bags cause the spread of e. coli, norovirus and salmonella.  This constitutes a serious public health risk.

Public Enemy #1

Public Enemy #1


Now their sights are set on plastic water bottles – the San Francisco city council has banned the sale of plastic water bottles on municipal property and will pursue a city wide ban.  For no reason other than some people don’t like these and so you shouldn’t either.  Oh, they have their reasons, but they are nonsensical.  Supervisor David Chiu’s reason is that it takes 1,000 years for 1 bottle to bio-degrade!!!!!!  That’s a long time!  I have an idea that makes just as much sense.  Just pass a law stating that a year will now be 365,000 days long.  Now those pesky bottles will degrade in only a single year.  That’s more like it!  Or we could recycle them.  I wonder how many years that takes….oh, never mind.

There is no aspect of your life that is too profound or too trivial that a do-gooder won’t step in and tell you how you must do it, or that you can’t do it.  And when their utopia is finally realized it is certain to be hell on earth.  Because every single person will be oppressed to one degree or another when all that is not forbidden is mandatory.

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