The internet is chock full of cat pictures and cat videos. And when you post those pictures you may be (probably are) sharing more information with the internet than you intend to. Using the geotagging properties that are embedded within the pictures one can ascertain where you live, or at least where the picture was taken. This is only part of what I call the gathering of all information which is being done now by internet service providers, search engine people and other tech wizards of questionable repute and most likely poor hygiene. Sure… they say it’s to help you. Yes, please help me. I am so disatisfied with the quality of advertising I am bombarded with. Bombard me with more finely focused advertising please! Thank You. But I digress. All information everywhere is being submitted to the internet voluntarily by rubes like you and me…well, like you… collected and analysed with the help of the computer witches and warlocks. Probably just warlocks. Everyone knows there are no women on the internet. So warlocks. At some point the quantity of information and the analysis thereof will reach a critcalmass and the internet will become self aware. Then it’s HAL 9000 time, people.
It’s going to happen. It can’t be stopped. So the only question is…Cats. Innocent pawns, or willing conspirators? I have my suspicions…but I can’t talk now…it’s not safe.